Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Class Schedule

Current Series: Monday, November 1 - Wednesday, December 8 (6 weeks)

Monday Evenings * Please note new class times *
6:15 - 7:15 pm Feldenkrais - Awareness Through Movement (no experience necessary, open to everyone)
7:15 - 8:30 pm Integrated Yoga Studies (all levels, open to everyone)

Wednesday Mornings
8:00 - 9:00 am Zen Meditation Group (no fee, open to everyone)
9:15 - 10:15 am Feldenkrais - Awareness Through Movement (no experience necessary, open to everyone)
10:15 - 11:30 am Integrated Yoga Studies (all levels, open to everyone)

Wednesday Evenings
7:00 - 8:30 pm Integrated Yoga Studies (intermediate level, 1.5 hours)

Please note changes in schedule: I will drop Wednesday eve Qi Gong for this series

*Wednesday eve Yoga remains at the same time 7-8:30pm,and will start one week later on November 10th........ we will make up this class at the end of series on December 15th

The Moving Space classes are held at 6921 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle WA 98155.

Drop-ins are welcome. New students can join the series already in session.

For class fees, registration or questions, email treya-themovingspace@comcast.net, or call (206) 706-0069.

Special Focus Yoga Classes, Fall 2010

Special Focus Yoga Classes (All levels)

Saturdays 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

In these special focus yoga classes, Treya incorporates her extensive background as a somatic educator with her many years of practicing and teaching yoga and meditation. These classes combine the intelligence of effective skeletal alignment with the subtle energetics of deep body awareness. Fun and informative, they are appropriate for students of all levels of experience.

November 20, 2010 Finding Balance and Stability – Warrior and Balance Poses

Stability, or rooting through the legs, and balance go hand in hand. To find balance without effort, we must understand how to open our hips and use our legs to connect to the earth, allowing the torso and spine to release upward and be free. In this class we will juxtapose warrior poses with balance poses to explore the relationship between earth and sky, and rooting and expanding.

December 4, 2010 Letting Go… Into Forward Bending

Forward bending is about deeply folding in the hips. It is a practice of letting go and allowing the entire back and spine to open and lengthen. This also includes releasing from the spine through the back of the legs and into the arms. It is a total body release. Through breath and awareness, we are invited to go more deeply into our internal environment: softening the muscles, opening the joints, and quieting the mind. This asana relaxes the back, supports kidney function, and opens the hips. It is soothing, calming, and revitalizing. A great preparation as we move into the busy holiday season.

Drop-in rate: $45 per class

Early registration deadline for multiple class discount: $70

Both classes paid by November 17th

Early registration deadline for individual classes: $40

Nov 20th class: paid by Wednesday, Nov 17th

Dec 4th class: paid by Wednesday, Dec 1st

Monday, August 30, 2010

In-Town Retreat, Fall 2010

Finding Center… Integrating Body and Mind
In-town Weekend Retreat at M’illumino
Integrating traditional movement arts with somatic learning
Saturday & Sunday, October 23 & 24, 2010

Come experience the in-depth study environment of a retreat with the convenience of being in town. In this workshop we will draw from the age-old practices of yoga, meditation, and Qi Gong, as well as modern modalities in the field of somatic education. These will include Feldenkrais (Awareness Through MovementTM) and explorations in organic and fluid movement. We will discover how to release ineffective patterns of holding to move with more ease and grace. We will also investigate the relationship between posture and movement, and strength and relaxation, to allow the body/mind to “let go” on a deeper level and to access a greater resilience and vitality. This workshop is open to students with all levels of experience. You can participate in the full workshop or choose parts of it.

Saturday morning, 10 am - 12:30 pm
Feldenkrais & Qi Gong: Freeing the limbs to find the core
Cost: $50
We will use gentle and relaxing movements to differentiate the limbs (arms and legs) from the proximal body (torso and hips). This helps to integrate the whole body, freeing us to move from the core with fluidity and ease. Letting go of unnecessary effort in activity and habitual tension is both revitalizing and beneficial for reducing chronic back and neck strain. This session is excellent for improving performance skills for musicians, athletes, and others, and also enhances our effectiveness in daily activities. Open to all, and appropriate for those with chronic pain or injury.

Saturday afternoon, 2 pm - 4:30 pm
Yoga (all levels): Understanding the core – coming home
Cost $50
We will explore core integration and optimal skeletal alignment to create spacious joints and long supple muscles. Incorporating various asanas, such as warrior poses, forward/back bending, and spinal twists helps us to discover deep, intrinsic strength without tension. This releases the shoulder and pelvic girdles, promoting a healthy and supple spine.

Sunday morning, 10 am - 12:30 pm
Yoga as Moving Meditation
Cost $50
In this flowing yoga session the emphasis will be on awareness and moving effectively without unnecessary effort. We will also incorporate short periods of sitting meditation, resting in our center, exploring both fluid movement and dynamic stillness. Open to everyone.

Pre-pay by Wednesday, October 20. Full workshop: $125
Any two sessions: $90
Early registration is recommended to reserve your space. To register call 206.706.0069, email treya-themovingspace@comcast.net, or see registration form on class schedule.