Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Winter Series begins Wed, Jan 4th

Next series (4 weeks) Wednesday, January 4th through Monday, January 30th

I hope everyone is enjoying some R&R during the holidays, and wish you a wonderful beginning to the New year!

I will be starting right up on Wednesday, January 4th with the next 4 week series.
I will leave on Jan 31st to teach in Sweden, and want to get a full month of classes in before I leave.
When I return I will sit for a one week Zen meditation retreat with my teacher Shodo Harada Roshi at Whidbey Island monastery. The second series will begin on Saturday, February 25th.
I'm encouraging everyone to get themselves to class at the start of the new series, so we can begin the year with energy and vitality. I also want to remind you that after this series I will be away until February 25th, when I will start the next session.
Look forward to seeing you soon!
See class times & rates below

Classes now located at Soma Yoga Studio in Ballard @ 1423 NW 70th Street

Monday evening:

6:00 -7:15 pm Integrated Yoga studies (all levels) beginners welcome

Wednesday morning:
8:00 - 9:00 am Zen Meditation & Qi Gong (all welcome) no fee
9:15 -10:15 am Feldenkrais (Awareness Through Movement) open to everyone (gentle)
10:30-11:45 am Integrated Yoga studies (all levels) beginners welcome

Saturday morning:
9:30 -10:30 am Feldenkrais (Awareness Through Movement) open to everyone (gentle)
10:45 am-12 noon Integrated Yoga studies (combined levels):
Some previous Yoga/movement experience is recommended

Next series (4 weeks) Wednesday, January 4th through Monday, January 30th

Fees for series classes: 4 weeks
1x per week $65
2x per week $105
3x per week $135
Unlimited per week $160

Drop-ins welcome @ $20 per class

You can register in class... email... drop-in or call (206) 706-0069.

By mail send check to : Treya Marie Forlenza

18821 53rd Ave NE

Lake Forest Park WA 98155

Special New Years Day classes

Sunday, January 1st 2012......

Happy and peaceful holidays to all and a wonderful New year!
I will be offering special classes on New Years Day to start the year in a healthy and relaxing way.
This is a great time to introduce or bring a friend or family member to class, and I will discount classes for everyone that day.

Feldenkrias (Awareness Through Movement) 10 - 11am (1hr) $15
All levels Yoga 11:15 -12:45 (1.5hr) $20
Both classes $30

There is no early registration deadline ....classes are discounted for that day.
This can be a popular event, so I recommend preregistration to hold your place.
Drop-ins will be welcome if space is available
You can sign - up by e-mail or phone (206-706-0069)
I will hold your space...you can pay day of class.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Winter Solstice Meditation & Qi Gong

Wednesday morning, December 21st @ 8 - 9:30am 2011

Free event....all are welcome!

You are invited to join together to practice Qi Gong and sit in meditation on the morning of the solstice.
Astronomically Winter Solstice marks the beginning of the shortening of nights and the lengthening of days, so this is the longest night of the year!
Solstice derives from Latin sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still). It is a potent time for quietude and reflection as well as celebration, as we transition into Winter and the gradual return of light!
This is a great opportunity to take some "TIME OUT" in this busy holiday season to support each other in sitting with vitality!

Approximate schedule:

Please arrive at 8am to set up for sitting.
We will start with 10 minutes Qi Gong
Then we will chant the Heart Sutra
1st round of sitting 15-20 minutes
followed by 20 minutes Qi Gong
2nd round of sitting 15-20 minutes

Afterwards tea & treats will be served and there will be time to hang out together.

All are welcome.... Please bring a Zafu / meditation cushion (if you have one)
There are plenty of sticky mats & blankets at studio for padding under sitting cushions
Chairs are available there if you want to use one
I will have extras cushions there if you don't have one

Please feel free to bring a friend or family member.....no experience is necessary
Give a reply to let me know if you will attend, so I have an approximate head count.

E-mail or call if you have any questions 206-706-0069