Saturday, April 28, 2012

Transitions into Spring and Summer

Qi Gong workshop with Treya Marie Forlenza
               a series of  two Sunday mornings 10am-12noon
                        May 20th and June 10th

Dear friends,
          I continue to get requests to include Qi Gong in my teaching offerings and have found an option that I think can work for those who might be interested. As I continue my personal practice and teaching of Qi Gong I come more to appreciate what a profound art it is!

          Subtle and deep, it can be practiced by people of all ages and activity levels with many health benefits. In this series of two 2 hour classes we will focus on Qi gong movements that help to support our bodies as the seasons change from colder darker weather into lighter and warmer days.
         The first hour will be dedicated to learning and refining various Qi Gong movements to deepen our understanding and practice. The second hour will be a guided flowing practice session to support our experiential knowing and somatic learning. My intention is to establish an on-going Qi Gong study group to encourage and support home practice that will meet once every 4-8 weeks. I will discuss this further will the group during these first two pilot classes.
Classes will be held @ Soma Yoga studio.
Beginners and experienced practitioners are welcome.

You can attend one or both sessions
Cost: $40 per class
Discount: register for both sessions by  May 20th.....  $70 for both
You can sign up in class by e-mail or phone 206-706-0069

Friday, April 27, 2012

On Qi Gong....

Dear students,

          Some of you have asked me to explain more about Qi Gong and why I practice and teach it. Being a teacher of somatic education, instructing in Yoga / movement & meditation and practicing therapeutic body work........ I'm very interested in health and well being. I have noticed over the many years of my own practice how these different body/mind modalities have affected my health and impacted my life. The continued study of Qi Gong and Tai Chi has played a very positive role in my development as a teacher and practitioner. I've noticed significant improvements in my health, mental and emotional clarity and energy level. To my surprise and delight my understanding and practice of yoga also deepened. It was this awareness that inspired me to call my classes "INTEGRATED MOVEMENT PRACTICES". I realized that I was drawing from many of the different arts that I have studied in the teaching of all of my classes. I hopes this creates  a little context before I go on to talk more about QI Gong.
          Qi Gong has been practiced in China for thousands of years and continues to be a popular method for self -healing and disease prevention. It is not by accident that it is becoming increasingly popular in the west among people of all ages and lifestyles. Qi Gong practice integrates body and mind and has many benefits physically, mentally and energetically. It can help one to slow down thinking and calm the mind reducing stress and anxiety. It is a form of meditation which incorporates both graceful flowing movement and rest or stillness. It has many health benefits including helping to lower blood pressure, improving balance and agility and also promotes deeper breathing and better circulation. Perhaps the most impressive benefit of Qi Gong practice is that it supports and bolsters the immune system and we all know that this is our first defense against all disease [prevention] and our biggest and most potent weapon to fight it!
          Qi Gong is gentle and graceful and can be practiced by everyone, young and old alike. It is appropriate for those who are fit as well as those who are out of shape. It can also be beneficial and safe for many persons who are fighting illness and disabilities. It is precisely because of its gentle and quiet approach that it is often over-looked or under-estimated. Especially in this culture where there is a bias toward exercise which is difficult and intense. There is a false belief that the harder we work the more we gain. However in this fast paced and over stimulated world, it is very important to nurture and restore ourselves. This is exactly what Qi gong helps us to do! Relax deeply so we can re-charge and access our natural healing abilities which allow our body and mind to be calm, clear and vibrant.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring series

April 7th through May 26th

No classes during the week of April 30th through May 5th.

Saturday, April 21st: no regular classes due to workshop.

Classes now located at Soma Yoga Studio in Ballard @ 1423 NW 70th Street
Monday evening:
6:00 -7:15 pm Integrated Yoga studies (all levels) beginners welcome

Wednesday morning:
8:00-9:00 am Zen Meditation & Qi Gong (all welcome) no fee
9:15 -10:15 am Feldenkrais (Awareness Through Movement) open to everyone (gentle)
10:30-11:45 am Integrated Yoga studies (all levels) beginners welcome

Saturday morning:
9:30 -10:30 am Feldenkrais (Awareness Through Movement) open to everyone (gentle)
10:45 am-12 noon Integrated Yoga studies (combined levels):
Some previous Yoga/movement experience is recommended

Fees for series classes: 6 weeks
1x per week $95
2x per week $155
3x per week $195
unlimited per week $240
Drop-ins welcome @ $20 per class
You can register in class... email... drop-in or call (206) 706-0069.
By mail send check to: Treya Marie Forlenza
18821 53rd ave NE
Lake Forest Park WA 98155

Thursday, April 12, 2012

In-town retreat April 2012

Moving into Springtime......
In-town retreat

April 21st and 22nd

Saturday & Sunday mornings 9:30 -12 noon @ Soma Yoga studio

In this workshop we will wake up our Winter bodies with fun and energizing movement,
as we shift into the season of more light and warmth.

Saturday morning will be Feldenkrais & Qi Gong..... gentle movement... open to everyone
In this session we will incorporate Feldenkrais floor work and standing Qi Gong exercises to relax and vitalize our body and mind.
We will Wake up and mobilize the spine and ribs through undulation and spiraling movements, which improve posture, circulation, breathing and energy flow.

Sunday morning will be Yoga asana.....all levels welcome
In this session we will explore a playful flow of asana to warm up the body, while building endurance and strength.
We will combine this with Yogic cleansing and breathing practices to help us gently detoxify our bodies and clear our minds. Gently waking up our body and mind to move into the activity of Spring time with grace and ease!

Drop-in $50 each session..... Full workshop paid by April 18th $90
Pre-registration suggested.
You can sign-up in class..... e-mail or call for more info or to register

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

3rd Annual Benefit Retreat Weekend

Moving into Stillness
July 27th - 29th, 2012
at Tahoma Zen Monastery on Whidbey Island

Intergrated movement practices incorporating Yoga, Qi Gong, and Feldenkrais

Third Annual Benefit for Tahoma Zen Monastery

Schedule of Classes:
Friday, July 27th
2 - 5 pm Check in & setup for those sleeping over at the Monastery
5:30 Light supper & Orientation
7 - 8:30 pm Yoga / movement class
Saturday, July 28th
7:00 - 8:00 am Meditation (2 periods of 25 minutes)
8:15 Breakfast
9:30 - 11:00 Qi Gong (open to everyone)
11:00 - 11:30 Tea / snack break
11:30 - 1:30 Yoga (all levels)
1:30 Lunch & Break
3:30 - 4:30 Feldenkrais (ATM)
4:30 - 6:00 Yoga (all levels)
6: 30 Dinner & Movie
Sunday, July 29th
8:00 - 9:00 am Zazenkai (2 periods of zazen, 25 minutes each; 20 minutes of Qi Gong between)
9:00 Tea / snack break
10:00 - 11:00 Feldenkrais (open to everyone)
11:00 - 1:00 Yoga (all levels)
1:30 Lunch, finish

There is no experience necessary to participate in Qi Gong or Feldenkrais. Both are gentle modalities appropriate to people of all ages and activity levels. The Yoga classes will be mixed, open to all levels of experience.

Delicious Vegetarian meals and snacks will be created by Cynthia Trowbridge, Chef Extraordinaire! Sleeping accommodations will be dormitory style or outside camping.

Dairin Zenji (Assistant Abbot at Tahoma) will be leading Zazen meditation.

Suggested donation for the whole weekend is $200 - $400. Please donate as you are able. 100% of all donations will go to Tahoma Zen Monastery which is a 501(3)(c) not-for-profit organization; all donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Tahoma Zen Monastery is dedicated to bring Traditional Rinzai Zen Buddhism to the Northwest.

For sign-up or more information contact Treya at 206-706-0069,, or Dairin at 360-331-4142.
Check with Treya for details and special needs.