Friday, March 22, 2013

In-town Retreat May 4-5, 2013

In-town retreat Saturday, May 4th and Sunday, May 5th

Two morning intensive classes: 9:30am-12noon

Opening the hips to release your lower back....
and find your legs!

Let's move into Spring!

Join me in a Somatic education approach to Spring Training....
Wake up your body-mind in a fun and functional way...   without over-doing it!

Prepare yourself for more activity as we move into Springand find more comfort and pleasure in hiking, biking, walking and gardening.

This workshop will include Feldenkrais,Yoga & Qi Gong
Saturday morning we will explore this theme with Feldenkrais (Awareness through movement ) 
& Qi Gong
Sunday morning we will revisit the same theme with Yoga asana

Saturday morning May 4th: Feldenkrais & Qi Gong $50

We will learn  how to relax the hips & pelvic area to release holding patterns in our lower back.... discovering ways to use our legs and feet more effectively.
In this session we will explore opening our hips and integrating our legs and feet with gentle and playful movements.
This session is open to everyone and appropriate for those with pain or injury.

Sunday morning May 5th: Yoga (all levels) $50

Through Yoga postures we will investigate how to open the hips to engage the core, and release the lower back.We will discover how to organize our legs and feet for better functioning and balance.
This will be an opportunity to deepen and refine your Yoga practice,while improving flexibility and strength.

This session is open to students with varied levels of Yoga experience.
You can sign up for one or both sessions
Early bird discount for both sessions: paid by Wednesday, May 1st: $90
To sign up:Register in class or Confirm attendance by e-mail or phone