Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Special Focus Saturday Yoga Classes

Special Focus Yoga Classes (All levels)
Winter 2010
Saturdays 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

In these special focus yoga classes, Treya incorporates her extensive background as a somatic educator with her many years of practicing and teaching yoga and meditation. These classes combine the intelligence of effective skeletal alignment with the subtle energetics of deep body awareness. Fun and informative, they are appropriate for students of all levels of experience.

April 3rd, 2010 Dynamic Dog – Moving from Downward into Upward-Facing Dog

In this class we will explore both downward and upward-facing dog and moving through the transition between these poses. We will refine key points of alignment to open the shoulders and use the arms effectively. Our focus will include use of deep core strength to keep the poses light and suspended. In this playful and challenging class we will explore both holding and moving in these postures.

January 2nd, 2010 Finding Your Center – Moving into Balance Poses

In this class we will explore finding our central axis, opening our hips, and grounding through our legs. We will also incorporate the use of the Yogic Bandhas for deeper understanding of subtle energy and core strength. Balance poses integrate body and mind by helping us to focus our intent and to find a more buoyant stability. This is a great way to start the new year.

January 30th, 2010 All about Sitting Poses – Yogic Seated Poses

In this class we will focus on how to mobilize the pelvis and open the hips to create a relaxed and stable foundation for sitting. This allows the spine to relax upward with less muscular effort. We will explore various sitting meditation poses, sitting forward and side bends, and seated spinal twists. We will discover how effective alignment reduces effort and helps to make sitting easier.

Drop-in rate: $45 per class

Early registration deadline for series discount:
All three classes paid by first class, Jan 2: $90
Any two classes paid by first class, Jan 2: $65

Early registration deadline for individual classes: $35
Jan 2 class: Saturday, Jan 2, day of class
Jan 30 class: Wednesday, Jan 27
April 3 class: Wednesday, March 30