Monday, December 14, 2009

Winter Solstice Meditation

Winter Solstice Meditation
with Treya
@ M'illumino 6921 Roosevelt Way NE
Monday evening, December 21st @ 7:15 PM

You are invited to join me to come together to sit , on this the longest night of the year! Astronomically Winter Solstice marks the beginning of the shortening of nights and the lengthening of days.

Solstice derives from Latin sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still). It is a potent time for quietude and reflection as well as celebration, as we transition into Winter and the gradual return of light! This is a great opportunity to take some "TIME OUT" in this busy holiday season to support each other in sitting with vitality!

Please arrive at 7:15 to set up for sitting.
We will start with chanting the Heart Sutra @ 7:30
1st round of sitting 20-25 minutes
followed by 15 minutes Qi Gong
2nd round of sitting 20-25 minutes

After Zazen, tea & treats will be served and there will be time to hang out together. Johannes & I will make our special Holiday fruit salad. Please feel free to bring treats to share if you are inspired, however it is not necessary.

All are welcome.... Please bring a Zafu (if you have one). There are plenty of sticky mats & blankets at studio for padding under sitting cushions. Chairs are available there if you want to use one. Please let me know if you need me to provide a cushion (I will have extras there). If some of you also have an extra cushion you can bring to share ...... let me know.

Give a reply to let me know if you will attend, so I have an approximate head count.
The morning meditation group is now on break and will resume on January 6th.

Many THANKS to Bridget @ m'illumino for donating space to on-going Meditation group Wednesday morning 8-9AM and for this special event!

Please feel free to e-mail or call if you have any questions (206) 706-0069.
Look forward to see you, Treya