Tuesday, December 15, 2009

In-Town Retreat: Fluid Movement and Dynamic Stillness

Fluid Movement and Dynamic Stillness

In-town Weekend Retreat at M’illumino

Integrating traditional movement arts with somatic learning

With Treya Marie Forlenza

Saturday and Sunday, March 20-21, 2010

Come experience the in-depth study environment of a retreat with the convenience of being in town. In this workshop we will draw from the age-old practices of yoga, meditation, and Qi Gong, as well as modern modalities in the field of somatic education. These will include Feldenkrais (Awareness Through MovementTM) and explorations in organic and fluid movement. We will discover how to release ineffective patterns of holding to move with more ease and grace. We will also investigate the relationship between posture and movement, and strength and relaxation, to allow the body/mind to “let go” on a deeper level and to access a greater resilience and vitality. This workshop is open to students with all levels of experience. You can participate

in the full workshop or choose parts of it.

Saturday morning, 10 am - 12:30 pm

Feldenkrais & Qi Gong: Releasing the Shoulders to Free the Neck

The neck and shoulders are common areas of chronic tension and habitual holding patterns. We do so much with our arms and hands that we often forget how to let our shoulders drop and our arms hang naturally. In this session we will explore differentiating between the arms, the shoulder girdle, and the spine. This facilitates relaxing the shoulders, and frees the neck to feel comfortable and suspended. This work is gentle, beneficial for all, and appropriate for those recovering from pain or injury. Open to everyone.

Saturday afternoon, 2 pm - 4:30 pm

Yoga (all levels): Warrior Poses – Finding Your Roots

Warrior poses are the ultimate postures for opening the pelvic girdle, finding core strength, and rooting through the legs. When we are grounded and stable through the lower body, we can more easily open the chest, relax the shoulders, and extend through the arms. The Warrior series is energizing and strength-building.

Sunday morning, 10 am - 12:30 pm

Yoga as Moving Meditation

In this flowing yoga session the emphasis will be on awareness and moving effectively without unnecessary effort. We will also incorporate short periods of sitting meditation, exploring both fluid movement and dynamic stillness. Open to everyone.

Cost for each session is $50.

Early registration is recommended to reserve your space.

Pre-pay by March 17 for a discount on multiple sessions:

Full workshop (all three sessions): $125

All day Saturday or both mornings (two sessions): $90

To register call 206.706.0069, email treya-themovingspace@comcast.net, or see registration form on class schedule.

Special Focus Saturday Yoga Classes

Special Focus Yoga Classes (All levels)
Winter 2010
Saturdays 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

In these special focus yoga classes, Treya incorporates her extensive background as a somatic educator with her many years of practicing and teaching yoga and meditation. These classes combine the intelligence of effective skeletal alignment with the subtle energetics of deep body awareness. Fun and informative, they are appropriate for students of all levels of experience.

April 3rd, 2010 Dynamic Dog – Moving from Downward into Upward-Facing Dog

In this class we will explore both downward and upward-facing dog and moving through the transition between these poses. We will refine key points of alignment to open the shoulders and use the arms effectively. Our focus will include use of deep core strength to keep the poses light and suspended. In this playful and challenging class we will explore both holding and moving in these postures.

January 2nd, 2010 Finding Your Center – Moving into Balance Poses

In this class we will explore finding our central axis, opening our hips, and grounding through our legs. We will also incorporate the use of the Yogic Bandhas for deeper understanding of subtle energy and core strength. Balance poses integrate body and mind by helping us to focus our intent and to find a more buoyant stability. This is a great way to start the new year.

January 30th, 2010 All about Sitting Poses – Yogic Seated Poses

In this class we will focus on how to mobilize the pelvis and open the hips to create a relaxed and stable foundation for sitting. This allows the spine to relax upward with less muscular effort. We will explore various sitting meditation poses, sitting forward and side bends, and seated spinal twists. We will discover how effective alignment reduces effort and helps to make sitting easier.

Drop-in rate: $45 per class

Early registration deadline for series discount:
All three classes paid by first class, Jan 2: $90
Any two classes paid by first class, Jan 2: $65

Early registration deadline for individual classes: $35
Jan 2 class: Saturday, Jan 2, day of class
Jan 30 class: Wednesday, Jan 27
April 3 class: Wednesday, March 30

Stockholm Yoga and Qi Gong Intensive

Integrated Movement Practices
Yoga and Qi Gong Intensive
February 4-7, 2010
Stockholm Zen Center, Sweden

Monday, December 14, 2009

Winter Solstice Meditation

Winter Solstice Meditation
with Treya
@ M'illumino 6921 Roosevelt Way NE
Monday evening, December 21st @ 7:15 PM

You are invited to join me to come together to sit , on this the longest night of the year! Astronomically Winter Solstice marks the beginning of the shortening of nights and the lengthening of days.

Solstice derives from Latin sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still). It is a potent time for quietude and reflection as well as celebration, as we transition into Winter and the gradual return of light! This is a great opportunity to take some "TIME OUT" in this busy holiday season to support each other in sitting with vitality!

Please arrive at 7:15 to set up for sitting.
We will start with chanting the Heart Sutra @ 7:30
1st round of sitting 20-25 minutes
followed by 15 minutes Qi Gong
2nd round of sitting 20-25 minutes

After Zazen, tea & treats will be served and there will be time to hang out together. Johannes & I will make our special Holiday fruit salad. Please feel free to bring treats to share if you are inspired, however it is not necessary.

All are welcome.... Please bring a Zafu (if you have one). There are plenty of sticky mats & blankets at studio for padding under sitting cushions. Chairs are available there if you want to use one. Please let me know if you need me to provide a cushion (I will have extras there). If some of you also have an extra cushion you can bring to share ...... let me know.

Give a reply to let me know if you will attend, so I have an approximate head count.
The morning meditation group is now on break and will resume on January 6th.

Many THANKS to Bridget @ m'illumino for donating space to on-going Meditation group Wednesday morning 8-9AM and for this special event!

Please feel free to e-mail or call if you have any questions (206) 706-0069.
Look forward to see you, Treya